Supported living of people with
disabilities in Russia
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On the 26th-27th of October Samara city public organization of children with disabilities, disabled since childhood “Sail of Hope” became a receiving party of the Centre for Curative Pedagogics to carry out a seminar on topic: “Experience with adolescents and young people with severe violation of development”. Teachers, educators, social workers of correctional schools, correctional boarding schools, social workers and psychologists of centers “Family”, parents of special young people took part in the seminar. A lot of audience came from little towns of Samara region.

Specialists of the CCP told listeners about experience of the CCP with “special” children that`s not included in a “standard” educational system, about variety of ways to work with children of school age and work site arrangement for adults with particular development. Members of the CCP also told about craft shops for young people, projects: “Training apartment” and “Learn to live together”, and about leisure time activities for adults.

“There`s more job opportunities and possibilities of employment for special adults in Samara itself than in the area. In Samara teachers and parents had an interesting experience with the special young people: there were trips together, an integrative theatre, - has told Elena Sirota, one of the specialists, carrying out the seminar, - the main issue is a lack of experience, it`s not clear what to begin with. We have shown how to organize the work of the guys. We also have held a workshop of making self-made paper and cards. This is exactly what is better to start learning from. The process of making cards is quite easy, doesn`t require either heavy costs, or equipment.” Judging by the reviews of members all the topics were relevant, special interest was shown to concrete examples and the workshop.

The seminar was supported by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation. During 2012 year the CCP has held seminars and consultations for specialists from 29 regions of Russia. The experience has been extremely successful, NPO (non-profit organizations) in regions have shown active interest in professional help. The Centre of Curative Pedagogics became a winner in competition for socially oriented NPO and will continue to educate and consult members of NPO in regions by support of the Ministry of Economic Development.


