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Supported living of people with
disabilities in Russia
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The project of organization of “social village” is launched at Yaroslavl

Parents of disabled children from Yaroslavsky Region Public organization “Face to the world” have decided to unite efforts for creation of the village for young people with mental complexities and their relatives. At first the enthusiasts got an idea to build a house in which several young people could live. A house (and houses in further) is decided to build at countryside thus the youngsters got more abilities for physical work. The public organization is planning to create a center of rehabilitation as well where the young people would be occupied with canis-, hippotherapy and other activity which requires open infrastructure.

Several residents of Yaroslavl, whose children are disabled, united into the organization “Face to the world” in 2012. Now it includes about 300 families from different towns of the region which are bringing about the projects together helping people with mental disabilities to develop and find friends. Lots of parents understand that they`re not eternal and start to think of their childrens` future because in most cases they would be placed into psychoneurological boarding-schools, as told by representatives of the public organization “Face to the world”.  

The group of parents who definitely is going to leave their job and city flat and move to village is already arranged, - said head of the project “Social village” Vadim Semyonov. -  It would be a family community with houses for children in the center and houses for parents nearby so that we can always visit them and control”.

 “We want our project to be at least partly self-liquidating, - shared Nataly Jujneva, chairman of the organization “Face to the world”. – Now we`re looking into several ground areas and, depending on what we`ll find, we`re planning to develop tourism and little manufacturing or farmers` ecological husbandry”.

Such projects in Russia are units, experience in their organization is not enough. Meanwhile there are hundreds of social villages with different directions in Europe supported by government. “We hope that it`s real for us too. The main is to begin – take care of disabled people by yourself and supported by the government start to deal efficiently with all the problems of their maintenance, healing, learning and employment”, - as the participants of the organization “Face to the world” consider.

Material is taken from the Agency of social information`s web-page:

Contacts of YROOI “Face to the world”:

Page in VKontakte:
