“The Sun Home”Anatoliy Nagal'skiy, one of the head of Sevastopol`s project “The Sun Home” is telling about its news. “2014 year was an anniversary for us – the project turned 10 years... .. but 2015 was met by our big family in a rush with registration of “The Sun Home” in the Russian legal framework. Till the middle of February we succeeded to get through mess and delays and receive the legalized Statute, bank account and other considered documents. For those who`s interested I note that we have chosen such form of organization as “a public organization with the right for commercial activity”. We hope that it helps us to earn money for living by our own labor, and do not humiliate officialdom – all the more we`ve never managed to get luck at this specific field. Concerning the horizontal connection it`s in order. We have concluded Agreements about friendship with the team of museum-reserve and the best, to our mind, Sevastopol`s theatre. Our guys have already gone to an exciting excursion in Hersones and two plays at theatre on Bolshaya Morskaya. Thanks to active position of a deputy at Legislative Assembly Tatyana Sherbakova we received an opportunity to take part at new year`s fair trade at Nakhimov square. In spite of cold and rains success from the sales was huge, that helped to improve our budget and pay to all authors of handcrafts (i.e. to ALL !) bonus.
In February our skillful and greedy arms reached the “White stone city”: at conference in Moscow we sold all the remaining lots.
So now we`ve started our usual quite life. Working at our workshops, communicating with friends, playing, celebrating Happy birthdays and holidays. Last weekend was dedicated to a farewell to winter – we were dancing and singing, eating pancakes and walking round the very genuine Maslenitsa which we burned after solemnly...
Happy spring to all!!” Information about the project and earlier news could be found by links: http://osdom.org.ru/kak_organizovat/zanyatost_i_rabotu/krymskij_federalnyj_okrug/ http://osdom.org.ru/novosti/radosti_i_trudnosti_v_dome_solnca/ |